Poster movie

The 4th Wall


Lenguage:116 min


Release date:Jan 15, 2025



Lebanon, 1982. To keep a promise made to an old friend, Georges, an idealistic theater director, travels to Beirut for a project as utopian as it is risky: to stage the play Antigone on the front line, in order to steal a moment of peace from the raging civil war. The characters will be played by actors from different political and religious camps. Lost in a city and a conflict he knows nothing about, Georges is guided by Marwan. As fighting resumes, everything is soon called into question, and Georges, who falls in love with Imane, has to face up to the reality of war.


Laurent Lafitte
Laurent LafitteGeorges
Simon Abkarian
Simon AbkarianMarwan
Manal Issa
Manal IssaImane
Tarek Yaacoub
Tarek YaacoubNakad
Bernard Bloch
Bernard BlochSam Akounis
Aude-Laurence Clermont Biver
Aude-Laurence Clermont BiverAmie Pro-Palestinienne
Joël Delsaut
Joël DelsautMari de Isabelle
Elsa Rauchs
Elsa RauchsInfirmière
Tarek Bachacha
Tarek BachachaChirgurgien à Ghaza
Renée Ghosh
Renée GhoshFemme de Marwan

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