Poster movie

Roamin' Wild


Lenguage:58 min


Release date:Apr 29, 1936



Trouble has been reported in Placerville where Tom Barton's brother is the Marshal. Arriving Tom finds a phoney Marshal in his brother's place. Learning that Clark is behind the all the trouble and that he is after the Madison stage line, Tom joins up with Mary Madison to fight Clark while he also looks for his missing brother.


Tom Tyler
Tom TylerTom Barton
Carol Wyndham
Carol WyndhamMary Madison
Al Ferguson
Al FergusonClark
George Chesebro
George ChesebroHenchman Tip
Max Davidson
Max DavidsonAbe Wineman
Fred Parker
Fred ParkerDad Summers
Slim Whitaker
Slim WhitakerMarshal Lucas
Bud Osborne
Bud OsborneHenchman Red
Wally West
Wally WestJim Barton
Earl Dwire
Earl DwireJim Madison

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