Poster movie

Night Journey



Lenguage:29 min


Release date:Jan 1, 1960



Night Journey, the dance, had its premiere only two and a half years after Appalachian Spring, and it is a close cousin. It too has a stream-of-consciousness narration: Jocasta, as she is about to kill herself, remembering what has happened to her. It too contains soul-delving solos, broken up by ensemble dances. Here, however, the ensemble is a darker element. As the story was taken from Greek tragedy, so the corps is the equivalent of Greek tragedy’s chorus. They tell us how to feel: afraid mostly. In this piece Graham pushed her habitual economy to its limits.


Martha Graham
Martha GrahamQueen Jocasta
Bertram Ross
Bertram RossKing Oedipus
Paul Taylor
Paul TaylorTiresias
Helen McGehee
Helen McGeheeChorus Leader
Mary Hinkson
Mary HinksonChorus
Akiko Kanda
Akiko KandaChorus
Ethel Winter
Ethel WinterChorus
Linda Hodes
Linda HodesChorus
Carol Payne
Carol PayneChorus
Bette Shaler
Bette ShalerChorus

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