Poster movie

Marie Galante




Lenguage:88 min


Release date:Oct 25, 1934



On the French coast, unlucky Marie Galante is abducted and forced to board an American cargo ship bound for the Panama Canal. When an escape attempt leaves Marie high and dry in the Yucatan, she takes work as a nightclub singer to earn her safe passage to the Canal region. But Marie faces bigger problems when she gets mixed up in a destructive plot against the U.S. Naval fleet, and so she accepts the kindly assistance of secret agent Dr. Crawbett.


Spencer Tracy
Spencer TracyDr. Crawbett
Ketti Gallian
Ketti GallianMarie Galante
Ned Sparks
Ned SparksPlosser
Helen Morgan
Helen MorganMissTapia
Sig Ruman
Sig RumanBrogard
Leslie Fenton
Leslie FentonGeneral Saki Tenoki
Arthur Byron
Arthur ByronGeneral Gerald Phillips
Jay C. Flippen
Jay C. FlippenSailor in Bar
Stepin Fetchit
Stepin FetchitWaiter in Pacific Gardens
Robert Loraine
Robert LoraineRatcliff

Recommendations (18)