Poster movie

The Notorious Guys


Lenguage:85 min


Release date:Dec 11, 2013



Steven, a pupil in a special-needs class, learns that his school has won a trip to Alcabideche, Portugal. He is overjoyed to get the chance to finally see his homeland. Once there, he decides to conduct his own holidays...


Caty Baccega
Caty BaccegaMs. Meyer
Dieudonné Kabongo
Dieudonné KabongoMr. M'Bokami
Gilles Soeder
Gilles SoederMr. Schtarf
Jean-François Wolff
Jean-François WolffHimself
Nilton Martins
Nilton MartinsSergio
Emmanuel Leforgeur
Emmanuel LeforgeurPaulo Maxila
Marylène Bergmann
Marylène BergmannMarylène Bergmann
Léa Linster
Léa LinsterLéa Linster
Erny Dee
Erny DeeErny Dee
Patrizio Conti
Patrizio ContiCop 1

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