Poster movie

Raw Deal



Lenguage:79 min


Release date:May 21, 1948



Joe Sullivan is itching to get out of prison. He's taken the rap for his accomplice Rick, a sadistic mobster who owes him $50,000 from the job they pulled. Rick sets up an escape for Joe, assuming that Joe will be killed while fleeing. But with the help of his love-struck girl Pat and his sympathetic legal caseworker Ann, Joe gets further than Rick intended...


Dennis O'Keefe
Dennis O'KeefeJoe Sullivan
Claire Trevor
Claire TrevorPat Cameron
Marsha Hunt
Marsha HuntAnn Martin
John Ireland
John IrelandFantail
Raymond Burr
Raymond BurrRick Coyle
Curt Conway
Curt ConwaySpider
Chili Williams
Chili WilliamsMarcy
Richard Fraser
Richard FraserFields
Whit Bissell
Whit BissellMurderer
Cliff Clark
Cliff ClarkGates

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