Poster movie

Eleven Pairs of Boots


Lenguage:106 min


Release date:Sep 6, 1954



Ignacio, a professional footballer, has sentimental and labor problems. His girlfriend is about to abandon him because of the constant displays of affection that the player receives from an attractive admirer. At the same time, Ignacio discovers that two of his teammates have been bribed by another team.


José Suárez
José SuárezIgnacio Ariza
Mari Carmen Pardo
Mari Carmen PardoLaura López Salgado
Elisa Montés
Elisa MontésEsther
José Isbert
José IsbertPadre Roque
Manolo Morán
Manolo MoránErnesto
Mary Santpere
Mary SantpereCamarera
Javier Armet
Javier ArmetMario Valero
Jesús Colomer
Jesús ColomerToñi
Josep Maria Angelat
Josep Maria AngelatEnrique
Francisco Javier Marcet
Francisco Javier MarcetEl mismo

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