Lenguage:93 min
Release date:Apr 10, 2015
Kiia and Lauri, speeding toward the hospital overnight. Kiia in pain, holding the wheel with one hand and another in his stomach - the birth has started ahead of schedule. Surprisingly, the vehicle collides with something. Kiia fright and brakes, the car swerves before coming to a stop. Lauri rises to the car to check the situation and says he did not see anything. Kiia give birth to a healthy child in the hospital and befriends Hannah with. Hanna's husband has been in the same region hit by a car and drove onto the driver fled from the scene.
Laura BirnKiia
Mari RantasilaHanna
Eero AhoTimo
Teijo ElorantaTimo Kalevi Tirronen, "Timppa"
Kirsi TarvainenKomisario Karvonen
Mika KujalaKiinteistövälittäjä Pate Wilman
Stefan KarlssonKirurgi
Tom PetäjäSairaalapappi
Minna HämäläinenSynnytyslääkäri Saara Laakso
Riitta SalminenPaula, Kiian äiti