Poster movie


Science Fiction



Lenguage:97 min


Release date:Feb 6, 2015



Aimo and Milla live together at her alcoholics-turned-zombies parents' place, while saving money to move out. Due to his lack of self confidence, Aimo wastes their savings to turbo-boost his muscles, and eventually to turn himself into a robot. Milla doesn't like this new Aimo and leaves him. Aimo's heartache leads him to give up his heart for a metal one, one that doesn't hurt. Milla decides to steal Aimo heart: after all, a woman needs to have a man's heart. Lovemilla is an anarchic comedy trip, a story about love, robots and bodybuilding.


Milka Suonpää
Milka SuonpääMilla
Joel Hirvonen
Joel HirvonenAimo
Antti Reini
Antti ReiniVessafilosofi (voice)
Pelle Heikkilä
Pelle HeikkiläEsa
Jari Virman
Jari VirmanKyyhkynen, Kyösti
Miila Virtanen
Miila VirtanenSanna
Hannamaija Nikander
Hannamaija NikanderMaikkimaskotti / Norokostaja
Pauliina Suominen
Pauliina SuominenSiiri
Mari Rantasila
Mari RantasilaMalla
Matti Onnismaa
Matti OnnismaaMikko

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