Poster movie

The Right of the Maddest


Lenguage:0 min


Release date:Mar 27, 1973



The guardian of a nursing home lends a compassionate ear to the complaints of two new pensioners who love each other and have only one dream: to see the sea. To help them realize their dream, the brave man steals the car of the director. She quickly discovers the crime and drags her pale husband to the pursuit of the trio, aboard a tanker truck...


Raymond Devos
Raymond DevosLe surveillant
Alice Sapritch
Alice SapritchLa directrice
Jean Carmet
Jean CarmetLe directeur
Patrick Penn
Patrick PennLe jeune pensionnaire
Paula Moore
Paula MooreLa jeune pensionnaire
Marthe Keller
Marthe Kellerl'auto-stoppeuse
Paul Préboist
Paul PréboistLe chauffeur
Julien Guiomar
Julien GuiomarLe patron de restaurant
Christian Barbier
Christian BarbierLe reporter d'Europe 1
Pierre Tornade
Pierre TornadeUn motard

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