Poster movie

The Jerks


Lenguage:85 min


Release date:Oct 21, 1987



Leonidas is tricked into thinking he will hit the jackpot by a guy from the underworld, Babis, also well-known on the street as "the teacher". So, he sets up an ad hoc gang with his close friends in order to rob a bank. The operation, however, is crowned by complete failure. Actually, Babis used Leonidas to create a diversion in order to rob a jeweler's shop. Leonidas flies into a rage and swears to take revenge on the "teacher". The scuffle that follows results in all of them ending up in hospital.


Giorgos Konstantinou
Giorgos KonstantinouLeonidas
Tasos Psomopoulos
Tasos PsomopoulosVlasis
Markos Lezes
Markos LezesToufas
Frini Arvaniti
Frini ArvanitiFroso
Kostas Karagiorgis
Kostas KaragiorgisBabis
Kostas Palios
Kostas PaliosDoukas
Giannis Vouros
Giannis VourosMickey
Yiorgos Petrohilos
Yiorgos PetrohilosGogo
Linda Giga
Linda GigaLiana
Kostas Makedos
Kostas MakedosFouskas

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