Poster movie

The Night I Swam


Lenguage:79 min


Release date:May 2, 2018



Snow covered mountains in Japan. Every night, a fisherman makes his way to the market in town. His 6 year old son is awoken by his departure and finds it impossible to fall back to sleep. In the sleeping household, the young boy draws a picture he then slips into his satchel. On his way to school, still drowsy, he strays off the path and wanders into the snow...


Kogawa Takara
Kogawa TakaraYoung Boy
Takashi Kogawa
Takashi KogawaFather
Keiki Kogawa
Keiki KogawaSister
Chisato Kogawa
Chisato KogawaMother
Yûji Kudô
Yûji Kudô

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