Poster movie

My Best Friend



Lenguage:92 min


Release date:Nov 8, 2018



Lorenzo, a quiet teenager lives in a small town at the edge of the world in beautiful Patagonia. He’s a good student and a curious and smart person, more skilled in music and literature than sports. Lorenzo’s father decides to host Caito, the son of a friend from Buenos Aires who had to go to hospital for a long stay. Caito has obviously a different family background and seems to be a tough kid. Lorenzo finds Caito very intriguing in many ways as they start spending a lot of time together…


Angelo Mutti Spinetta
Angelo Mutti SpinettaLorenzo
Lautaro Rodríguez
Lautaro RodríguezCaíto
Guillermo Pfening
Guillermo PfeningAndrés
Mariana Anghileri
Mariana AnghileriCamila
Benicio Mutti Spinetta
Benicio Mutti SpinettaLucas
Romana Aleksandra Gulich
Romana Aleksandra GulichGraciana
Renata Lizzi
Renata LizziCandela
Maite Lucía Valero
Maite Lucía ValeroMora
Irina Misisco
Irina MisiscoLuchi
Valentín Oliva
Valentín Oliva

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