Poster movie

A Day of Filming


Lenguage:54 min


Release date:Apr 9, 1969



Shooting of a picture: to those, familiar with only from the screen, it is a entertainment. So, in a quiet Sofia street, a shooting crew starts their work. Bypassing begin to throng, curious people are looking out of the windows of the surrounding buildings. A scene is being shot of s short dialogue between the protagonists. It goes wrong all the time and is never complete. The mess gets beyond the comical, the true relations between the members of grew show and they do not look that excellent. At long last, the final scene is shot and the street is quiet again.


Apostol Karamitev
Apostol KaramitevAktyor
Ginka Stancheva
Ginka StanchevaAktrisata
Nikola Rudarov
Nikola RudarovOperatorat
Evstati Stratev
Evstati StratevRezhisyorat
Vasil Tsonev
Vasil TsonevAsistent-rezhisyorat
Hristo Dinev
Hristo DinevStariyat aktyor
Violeta Gindeva
Violeta GindevaMomicheto
Nikolai Ouzounov
Nikolai OuzounovMomcheto
Marin Totev
Marin TotevStaretzat statist
Lidia Vulkova
Lidia VulkovaZhurnalistkata

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