Poster movie

Croce e Delizia


Lenguage:105 min


Release date:Oct 6, 1995



An Italian troupe is busy in Paris filming an adaptation of La Traviata. The dressmaker Rosa, in love with the lead actor, identifies herself with Violetta: thanks to a bad joke and a fake séance, Rosa begins to believe she is her reincarnation. From that moment on, she tries to discover everything she can about her previous life, which slowly becomes closer and closer to her real one.


Marina Confalone
Marina ConfaloneRosa
Teo Teocoli
Teo TeocoliAlberto Sanna
Renato Scarpa
Renato ScarpaProduttore
Massimo Wertmüller
Massimo WertmüllerAnimanera
Paolo Buglioni
Paolo BuglioniRicuccio
Pietro De Silva
Pietro De SilvaCobra
Francesco Pannofino
Francesco PannofinoBacocco
Jacques Fabbri
Jacques FabbriGermont
Sergio Solli
Sergio SolliAscanio
Adriana Volpe
Adriana VolpeBarbara

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