Poster movie

My Mother's Split Personalities


TV Movie

Lenguage:120 min


Release date:Jan 12, 2019



After her father dies, Julie returns home to discover that her mentally fragile mother has fallen under the control of a man who claims to be her new boyfriend. Now, it's up to Julie to save her mom from not only a conman, but also from the split personalities that have made her his victim.


Lindsay Hartley
Lindsay Hartleymother Gail
Kayla Wallace
Kayla WallaceJulie Price
Jordana Lajoie
Jordana LajoieToni Conrad
Jefferson Brown
Jefferson BrownWarren Stacey
Benjamin Eli
Benjamin EliMike Jared
Richard Nash
Richard NashJohn Price
Rachelle Casseus
Rachelle CasseusDetective Michelle Sumford
Sean Tucker
Sean TuckerRoger Smith
Samantha Michelle
Samantha MichelleElizabeth Gomez
Josh Horvath
Josh HorvathOfficer Cooper

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