Poster movie

Il Mistero di Bellavista


Lenguage:102 min


Release date:Jan 1, 1985



A doorman and a street cleaner, intrigued by the passage of Halley's Comet, ask Professor Bellavista if they can observe the sky through his telescope. The two, instead of observing the comet, end up framing a window of the apartment opposite and believe they have discovered a crime. So they set out in search of the body.


Luciano De Crescenzo
Luciano De CrescenzoGennaro Bellavista
Sergio Solli
Sergio SolliSaverio
Benedetto Casillo
Benedetto CasilloSalvatore
Marina Confalone
Marina ConfaloneRachelina
Andy Luotto
Andy LuottoFrank Amodio
Marisa Laurito
Marisa LauritoMarchesa Marisa Buonajuto di Pontecagnano
Renato Scarpa
Renato ScarpaDottor Cazzaniga
Nuccia Fumo
Nuccia FumoCarmelina Finizio
Nunzia Fumo
Nunzia FumoCamilla Finizio
Gerardo Scala
Gerardo ScalaLuigino

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