Poster movie

The Relatives



Lenguage:100 min


Release date:Feb 11, 2021



One morning, the father of the family decides to fulfill his lifelong dream: to go with his family to the Grushinsky festival and perform his song there. The family is forced to come to terms with the desire of a tyrant father and go on a road trip across all of Russia. Along the way, they will have adventures, various tests and a test of their relationships for strength. But the most important thing they will understand only at the end of this extraordinary trip.


Sergey Burunov
Sergey BurunovПавел Карнаухов
Irina Pegova
Irina PegovaНаталья Карнаухова (жена Павла)
Semyon Treskunov
Semyon TreskunovСаня Карнаухов
Katerina Bekker
Katerina BekkerСоня (жена Сани)
Anna Ukolova
Anna UkolovaОльга Савостина (школьная любовь Павла)
Nikita Pavlenko
Nikita PavlenkoБоб Карнаухов (сын Натальи и Павла)
Sergey Shakurov
Sergey ShakurovМихаил Карнаухов (отец Павла)
Pavel Vorozhtsov
Pavel Vorozhtsovлжеветеран
Dmitry Rusakov
Dmitry Rusakovпродавец музыкальных инструментов
Eleonora Ilchenko
Eleonora Ilchenkoсоседка тетя Зоя

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