Poster movie

The Alien Boy

Lenguage:14 min


Release date:Jan 1, 2012



Miki is a young Hungarian boy who cannot quite understand why he is always the target of nasty bully-attacks at school. Is it because his Mum speaks a different language. Or because of the weird lunch she packs him? Determined to find out why, Miki embarks on a journey which leads his to discover he is, in fact, an Alien. The Alien Boy is a whimsical ride into a young boys perception of discrimination, alienation and ultimately belonging.


Zac Ynfante
Zac YnfanteMiki
Ava Chouvin
Ava ChouvinGirl
Peter McAllum
Peter McAllumOpposition Leader
Rachael Ferris
Rachael FerrisNews Reporter
Chrissy Ynfante
Chrissy YnfanteMiki's Mother
Suzanne Horvath
Suzanne HorvathHungarian Mother Voice (voice)
Aldo Mignone
Aldo MignonePeaceful Protestor
Louisa Mignone
Louisa MignonePeaceful Protestor
Henry Durant
Henry DurantPeaceful Protestor
Marlon Dance-Hooi
Marlon Dance-HooiPeaceful Protestor

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