Poster movie

The Workout Room


Lenguage:80 min


Release date:Oct 8, 2019



The Workout Room is a dramatic comedy film about an up and coming comedian who is given the chance of a lifetime at the cost of missing his daughter's wedding. The Workout Room is a clean, funny, plot driven film featuring real life stand-up comedians.


Joe Torry
Joe TorryTeejay
Tammy Townsend
Tammy TownsendXena
Lil J.J.
Lil J.J.Juice (as Jay "Lil JJ" Lewis)
Torrei Hart
Torrei HartKiki
Calida Jones
Calida JonesAnita
Latoya "Scooby" Carr
Latoya "Scooby" CarrScooby
Danny Wooten
Danny WootenDrake
Derick Alexander
Derick AlexanderJason
Brandon 'Boogie B' Montrell
Brandon 'Boogie B' MontrellKB
Nnete Inyangumia
Nnete InyangumiaAshy Ashley

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