Poster movie

Victor Hugo à Guernesey, exil et création


TV Movie

Lenguage:53 min


Release date:Aug 25, 2019



A visit to the extravagant house where Victor Hugo spent his exile in Guernsey between 1855 and 1870, the Hauteville House, entirely designed by the writer. This documentary also looks at a little-known aspect of Hugo: his talents as a decorator, architect and designer.


Cécile Argenton
Cécile ArgentonSelf - curator and restaurer
Gérard Audinet
Gérard AudinetSelf - director of the Maisons de Victor Hugo
Élise Blouet-Ménard
Élise Blouet-MénardSelf - curator and restaurer
Raphaëlle Déjean
Raphaëlle DéjeanSelf - curator and restaurer
Jean-Pierre Galopin
Jean-Pierre GalopinSelf - craftsman in gilding work
Jean-Marc Hovasse
Jean-Marc HovasseSelf - researcher of the CNRS
Anne Jacquin
Anne JacquinSelf - heritage conservator
Audrey Legeay
Audrey LegeaySelf - curator and restaurer
Agathe Strouk
Agathe StroukSelf - curator and restaurer of textiles
Pierre Tissot
Pierre TissotSelf - comédien

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