Poster movie

Polle Fiction


Lenguage:90 min


Release date:Mar 8, 2002



The whole plot in this crazy comedy movie is a story about a geeky and nerdy guy called Polle, who lives in a little village named Snave, which is far out in the Danish countryside. Even though he has turned 30, he's is still living with his parents, and he's kind of an outsider in the little town. The only sort of "friends" he actually has, are three totally much more insane yokels named Heino, Jøgge and Knasti, who are always spending their time, doing live tough for poor Polle.


Jens Andersen
Jens AndersenPolle
Per Otto Bersang Rasmussen
Per Otto Bersang RasmussenHeino
Henrik Bechman
Henrik BechmanJøgge
Petrine Agger
Petrine AggerLillian
Sigri Mitra Gaïni
Sigri Mitra GaïniSolaima / Shawarma
Søren Malling
Søren MallingKarsten Driving Instructor
Jytte Kvinesdal
Jytte KvinesdalUlla
Lars Ditlev Johansen
Lars Ditlev JohansenKansti
Erik Hovby Jørgensen
Erik Hovby JørgensenSvend
Harske Hubbi
Harske HubbiSelf (as Harske Hubbi)

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