Poster movie

The End



Lenguage:116 min


Release date:Aug 20, 2021



Seven famous actors get caught up in a game that no one can predict the ending. In a moment when the whole world is in limbo and the future seems more than uncertain, the stars receive a lucrative offer. And although it is not the peak of their professional ambitions, they do not intend to give it up. Sex, intrigue, betrayals, denunciations, disloyalty, deceptions, all covered with an artificial smile.


Aleksandra Popławska
Aleksandra PopławskaAlicja Kopytowska
Paulina Gałązka
Paulina GałązkaPola Adamska
Agnieszka Wielgosz
Agnieszka WielgoszAnna Malek
Jarosław Boberek
Jarosław BoberekAndrzej Kutz vel Krystian Felczer
Tomasz Karolak
Tomasz KarolakKarol Warszawski
Przemysław Sadowski
Przemysław SadowskiBorys Polak
Janusz Chabior
Janusz ChabiorParticipant in Sednam's funeral
Sandra Kubicka
Sandra KubickaWarszawski's girlfriend
Katarzyna Figura
Katarzyna FiguraSednam's sister
Magdalena Lamparska
Magdalena LamparskaParticipant in Sednam's funeral

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