Poster movie

Honey Lemon Soda




Lenguage:111 min


Release date:Jul 9, 2021



Ishimori Uka is very shy and has a hard time making friends. When she was a middle school student, students made fun of her by calling her "stone". Around that time, she met Miura Kai with lemon color hair. Because of him, she entered the same high school. Uka now wants to overcome her shyness and have friends. Kai is a popular student at the school, but he doesn't talk much or seem interested in others. He doesn't know why, but he becomes concerned with Uka. Uka has admired Kai, and she now has feelings for him. Kai has a secret, which no one knows.


Murakami Maito Raul
Murakami Maito RaulMiura Kai
Ai Yoshikawa
Ai YoshikawaIshimori Uka
Mayu Hotta
Mayu HottaKanno Serina
Tatsuomi Hamada
Tatsuomi HamadaTakamine Tomoya
Ryota Bando
Ryota BandoSeto Satoru
Natsumi Okamoto
Natsumi OkamotoEndo Ayumi
Yurina Yanagi
Yurina Yanagi
Miki Yanagi
Miki YanagiRemi Kojima
Hando Hikosaburo IX
Hando Hikosaburo IXTeacher
Hanano Nonomura
Hanano NonomuraStudent

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